CCHOA Board Meeting
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Called to order: 6:30 PM at RHPL
Attendees: Andrea Serra, Andy Balbach, Bill Woolsey, Chris Ruppel, Jim Clincher, Larry Heck, Ralph Crittenden, Scott Whitford
Not present: Golsa Yaghoobi, Hossein Salimnia
Meeting Minutes:
1. Annual Meeting with residents - a date of Wednesday, February 26 at 7:00 PM was reserved at the Community Room of the RHPL library to host the 2024 Annual meeting.
1. Plan to alert residents includes: signs at entrance, posting on the website, an email notification, a calendar invite, and a post on FB.
2. Topics for the meeting include: 2025 board objectives & budget, reintroducing board members and their responsibilities, recruiting for vacant positions and committees, and open items from the membership.
3. Andrea to draft a presentation and share with the board for review
2. 2025 Budget - Larry reviewed the Income Statement and corresponding forecasted budget for the year.
1. The board unanimously approved adding $1K to the holiday lights budget with the existing vendor for the entrance displays
2. A discussion on which measures were most warranted for the funds available to us:
1. Lighting - 3 lights a year, over the next 3 years, at $10K a year. Scott has the aerial view with the locations.
2. Drains and maintenance. Larry reviewed expenses that have occurred over the last decade and there has been minimal outlay. Scott believes our wetlands may be nearing the top of the water table and we need to monitor this to see if it will need to be dredged. Discussion around whether a survey is needed when the weather is better to really assess the degree of risk.
3. Speed hump installation - speed test again in Q4 Lakeview Dr.
4. Roads and sidewalks were discussed but those are both the responsibility of the city, not the HOA.
3. Outstanding Dues - there is one resident who has not fully paid their 2024 dues. The board will move forward with filing a lien on the individual’s property. Chris to speak to the title company.
4. McGregor Lot - Chris will look into more details on the current property zoning and dimensions of the lot and report back at the next meeting.
5. Dues - We now have the ability to accept Zelle payments electronically for paying dues. Larry to send details to Andrea to disseminate to the residents.
6. Security and workspace software for the board was discussed. Andy reviewed a few alternatives and will follow up with Golsa who was planning to investigate this to determine which route is most cost effective for our needs.
7. Dates for Board meetings for the balance of 2025 were established as April 22 , July 22, and October 28. The 2025 Annual meeting will be held in December. (exact date TBD)
Meeting adjourned at 7:48 PM.