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CCHA Annual Homeowners meeting           November 18, 2019                         7:30pm                Rochester Public Library


Board Members in attendance: Rob Mazzola, John Ellwood, Eric Swanson, Jim Clincher, Scott Whitford, Clarence Brantley, Hossein Salimnia, Terry Jones, Ralph Crittenden, Chris Ruppel.            Absent:  Kyle Rajel


There were 26 household represented at the meeting including the Board members. 


Board Members:  The meeting opened with all board members introducing themselves, the zone they represent and where they live.  It was announced that Marge Riley has left the Board and her position on the Board is being filled by Chris Ruppel for Zone 4.


2019 Projects completed:  The following projects we completed in 2019


Scott explained the “traffic calming” striping on Cross Creek that was done by the City in August.  At the recommendation of the Rochester Hills Traffic Engineer, the striping is intended to reduce speeding on Cross Creek.  An additional benefit is that it provides a perceived “walking lane” or bike path along the roadway.  While not supported by any data, it seemingly has had the intended effect and that traffic is slowing on Cross Creek.  Further, this striping was completed at no cost to the subdivision or the homeowners.  The cost for the striping was borne for by the City.


Also, there was a recent traffic/speeding study done on Lakeview and we are awaiting results, which will be shared with the Board as soon as it is available.  This is being done to explore additional “speed control” measures that could be taken to slow traffic on Lakeview as well as Cross Creek. 


Scott informed those present of the lighting project with DTE, the location of the light, and that the cost of the light through DTE would be $6,070.   Rochester Schools agreed to fund approximately ½ of the project cost and a reimbursement of $3,000 has been received from RCS.  In working with our contact at DTE, the installation of the light should begin within the next 30 days. 


Rob informed the group that the island on Cross Creek near Otter was completed in 2018 and the Board approved the planting of perennials flowers and shrubs at all three entrances.  Responding to a question from the audience, Rob told the group that vendor assured us the flowers/shrubs would not need “winterization” and were warrantied for 1 year.  Should the flowers/shrubs not make it through the winter, we will be in contact with the vendor to have the flowers/shrubs replaced and take the necessary steps toward winterization next winter.    


Scott also reminded attendees that our website, announced at last year’s meeting,  had over 600 hits during the past year.    Comments, complaints, and suggestions for improvement are welcomed.  The site includes our subdivision directory, by-laws and deed restrictions, Board meeting minutes, financials, and plat maps for the Sub.  The “CONTACT US” tab is available for use in contacting the Board, announcing services available to others in the sub (babysitting, snow shoveling, lawn mowing) or to make recommendations to the Board.  The website address is . Business cards were distributed with the website address, the directory password, and the Association’s PO Box address. 


Lastly, it was reported that we had contracted to have the trees and bushes cut-back along the walkway on Tienken Road to provide a better appearance and eliminate branches overhanging onto the walkway. 


Proposed projects for 2020


As to upcoming project for 2020, Rob informed the group that the Board was looking to install new and enhanced street signs to give a more upscale look to the subdivision and the entrances.  As yet, the Board does not have any quotes, and the extent to which signs would be installed would be based on the quotes.  Based on quotes, this project may need to be done in phases over a couple of years, with the entrance signs taking priority. 


There was also discussion regarding a proposed project to address the island trees on Cross Creek.  While some of them appear in poor condition, we have yet to get a quote on removal and remediation of the trees currently on the islands.  While there were mixed concerns with the removal of trees or how the work would be done, it was felt that this project would be of considerable expense and would likely need to be done in phases over the next few years. 


Rob also mentioned that as the trees at the entrances continue to grow, the Christmas lights that we currently own and are installed each year by Sherwood Forest may need to be expanded to provide better coverage and produce a better light display next year. 


2019 Financial results:  Clarence distributed year end 2018 information and reviewed the 2019 financial results YTD.  Dues were collected from all homeowners in the sub and based on our income and expenditures through October, we will have approximately $15,900 remaining in our checking account at year end and $15,249 in our CD’s.  The Board will be moving our CD funds to an account which bears a higher rate of interest in the coming weeks in order to maximize the earning on those funds.  


Open Discussion:   Having no further questions from those in attendance, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm 



CCHA February Board Meeting   October 7, 2019               7:00pm                Rochester Public Library

Board Members in Attendance: Rob Mazzola, Scott Whitford, Clarence Brantley, Ralph Crittenden, Terry Jones, Eric Swanson, Kyle Rajel, Marge Riley.  Absent: John Ellwood,  Jim Clincher, Hossein Salimnia


Minutes from the July 22, 2019 meeting had been distributed via e-mail to all board members, approved as submitted, and posted on the CCHOA website. 


Sprinkler system winterization: Scott has arranged for the water meters to be removed by the City during the week of 10-7-19 and the sprinkler blow out/winterization is scheduled to be done by Creative Pro’s on 10-24-19.


Street Striping: Traffic Calming striping was completed in August and met with mixed reviews by members of the Board.  Scott spoke with the Chief of Rochester PD and received information regarding the “Your Speed” radar sign, as were installed on Ludlow.  Scott will request a meeting again with Paul Shumenjko at the City of Rochester Hills to discuss the installation of these signs.    


Discussion with Oakland County Sheriff : Speeding throughout the sub continues to be a concern of all Board members.  Scott spoke with The Community Liaison Office at Oakland County Sheriff and was told he would request additional patrols for the subdivision, paying particular attention to the “start and end of school” times.  To date, no additional patrols have been noticed.  Homeowners that witness speeding in the sub should immediately contact the Oakland County Sheriff’s office. The phone number to call is 248-537-3530


Lighting at walkway on Lakeview: A check for $6,070 was sent to DTE and the process of planning and installation has begun.  The expected completion date is within the next 45-60 days. The reimbursement check for $3000 has not yet been received from the Rochester School.  Scott with follow up with Pete Muscio at Rochester Schools for an update.


Budget planning for 2020: Clarence distributed YTD financials and identified all expenses paid to date.  He also discussed adjustments that will be made during the remainder of the year.  Large expenditures since the last financial review were: Tree trimming along Tienken Ave, clearing of the drain near the retention pond, and payment to DTE for the new lighting near the walkway on Lakeview.

Clarence reported that it appears that we will have a $10,000 budget surplus at year end.  


As discussed at the last meeting, the movement of surplus funds currently sitting in cash to higher interest bearing account has not been completed.

Tree trimming update: Rob reported that in addition to the tree trimming against the walkways on Tienken, two trees in the median on Cross Creek were trimmed to remove the lower dead branches.  Board reaction was mixed.  There continues to be discussion about what to do regarding the trees in the Cross Creek median without resolution.


Winterization of flowers at entrances: It was determined that the perennial flowers planted at the entrances are warrantied for 1 year.  We were told that the flowers required no winterization and we would see what the flowers look like next spring. 


New Street signs at the entrances:  No updates to date


Christmas lighting at the entrances- At the last meeting, it was determined that our Christmas lighting at the entrances was less than adequate. Jim delivered a proposal from Shine Holiday Lighting in the amount of $4737 for the 1st year lighting display and $3411 for the 2nd and 3rd year. It was decided that amount was well outside of our budget.  Scott agreed to contact our current provider, Sherwood Forest, to see if they can make some enhancements to our current lighting plan at a minimal expense.   


Discussion topics:          

  • Marge Riley announced that her home has sold and she is resigning from the Board.  Scott will prepare and deliver solicitation for her replacement to Homeowners in Zone 4.


Scheduling 2019 Annual All Homeowners  Meetings:  The Annual All Homeowners meeting will be held at the Rochester Library on Monday, November 18, 2019. 




CCHA February Board Meeting      July 22, 2019                      7:00pm                Rochester Public Library

Board Members in Attendance: Rob Mazzola, John Ellwood, Scott Whitford, Clarence Brantley, Ralph Crittenden, Terry Jones, Jim Clincher, Kyle Rajel, Marge Riley, Hossein Salimnia.  Absent: Eric Swanson. 


Minutes from the April 1, 2019 meeting had been distributed via e-mail to all board members.  The meeting minutes were approved as submitted, and have been posted on the CCHOA website. 

Beautification update: There was discussion regarding the status of the middle island trees along Cross Creek.  While it was agreed that some of the trees were in poor condition, discussion ensued as to the appropriate course of action.  Scott had contacted the Arborist with the City and it was his opinion that opinion that the primary issue with the poor health of some of the trees was an issue called “girdling roots” which effectively choke the trees at the base.  His recommendation was that we contact a tree maintenance company to treat the trees and remove the girdling root.  A determination was made by the Board that the trees only have a fixed life expectancy and that the best course of action would be to trim the dead parts of the trees to delay the inevitable removal and replanting.

Lighting Update: Scott had contacted Pete Muscio, Director Capital Programs & Facilities for Rochester Schools and Rochester Schools has agreed to fund $3000 of the $6,070 cost for a light on Lakeview at the walkway to Hart Middle School.  The light will be powered via the transformer unit located on the easement, three homes to the north of the walkway.  A power line will be bored underground on the utility easement at the front of the homeowner’s property.  The ongoing expense for electrical usage will be roughly $280 per year.  The Board approved moving forward with this project.  Scott will contact Brandon Faron, Community Lighting Director at DTE as to next steps.  Also, Clarence mentioned that we currently receive 3 separate electrical bills.  Scott will pursue having all of our electric service combined into one bill.    Rob agreed to contact the City of Rochester Hills to see if they would be willing to provide any additional funding to mitigate the expense to the HOA

Striping Update: The Board approved and the City has entered into a contract with the striping company to provide “Traffic Calming Stripes” along Cross Creek, in an effort to curb speeding.  This stripe, while not “official”, would give the appearance of a bike lane or walking lane on the roadway as well.  The stripes would be located 9’ from the curb edge.  There would be no cost to the HOA for this striping.  It is expected that the striping will be completed within the next couple of weeks.      

Tree trimming/long term maintenance budget:  John discusses the tree trimming that needs to be done on our property adjacent to Tienken Road.  Our trees have begun to encroach on the sidewalk and must be addressed.  John will get a quote from his vendor and present it to the board. 


Rob reported that the planting of perennial bushes and flowers at all entrances was completed and have received favorable comments from homeowners.  There was discussion as to what is necessary to preserve those plants during the winter and must be followed up.  The plants are warrantied so we will check with the vendor. 

Budget Review: Clarence distributed YTD financials and identified all expenses paid to date.  He also discussed adjustments that will be made during the remainder of the year.  In the review of the budget line items, the topic of our Christmas decoration was discusses.  It was the general opinion of the Board that our Christmas lighting at the entrances is less than sufficient and we should explore other vendors.  Jim volunteered to contact the vendor that does his home and get a quote for the upcoming season. 

There was also discussion regarding the investment of the Subdivisions free cash.  As we are currently earning less than $2 per year on our $15,000 in certificates of deposit, it was agreed and approved that Clarence contacts our bank and have $10,000 placed in a higher interest bearing account.    There is also a significant amount of money that sits in our non-interest bearing account throughout the course of the year. 

Street signs Update: Hossien reported that he has no additional information on the improved street signs.


Vendor and provider information: Clarence had compiled a listing of all of the subdivision vendors and distributed the list to the Board members. 

Discussion topics:    


  • There was a proposal to revert back to bi-monthly meetings but the majority felt that quarterly meetings were sufficient. 

  • Marge Riley announced that her home is for sale and she is hopeful to move shortly.  We will make a determination for her replacement upon her resignation from the Board.  


Scheduling 2019 Board Meetings:  The next meeting of the Board will be Monday, October 7, 2019. 

CCHA February Board Meeting      April 1, 2019                       7:00pm                Rochester Public Library

Board Members in Attendance:, John Ellwood, Scott Whitford, Clarence Brantley, Ralph Crittenden, Terry Jones, Jim Clincher, Kyle Rajel, Marge Riley, Rob Mazzola.  Absent: Eric Swanson, Hossein Salimnia. 


Minutes from the February 19, 2019 meeting had been distributed via e-mail to all board members.  The meeting minutes were approved as submitted, and will be posted on the CCHOA website. 


Budget review: Clarence distributed YTD financials and identified all expenses paid to date.  He also talked about items that would be adjusted in the 2019 budget, including a reduction in the pond maintenance expense by $75 and a reduction in the sprinkler expense by $1100,  due to extraordinary expenses in 2018.  We currently have no contracts for our recurring expenses (sprinkler, lawn care, flowers, tree maintenance, Christmas decorations, or pond maintenance.)  It was the feeling of the Board that we should have contacts in place for those services.    


A list of the 24 homeowners that have not paid their 2019 dues was distributed.  3 additional dues payments were received at the meeting.   Late fees and lien placement for non-payments were discussed, along with how we might amend the deed restrictions in order to place a late fee for payments received after April 30.  Currently and in accordance with the deed restrictions, a late fee of 9% should be assessed for homeowners paying after April 30.  


John presented a quote from Wilcox Brothers for our 2019 sprinkler maintenance.  Scott will contract 2 additional vendors for this and distribute those quotes via e-mail for a decision by the board.  


Lighting:  Scott presented a quote for DTE for installation and ongoing costs for installing 3 street lights (Cross Creek and Vistaview, Cross Creek and Otter, and Lakeview at the walkway to Hart school), the quote was $13,822.   After some discussion, it was determine that we should initially make a light at the walkway on Lakeview a priority.  Scott will revisit with DTE and get a quote for only 1 light initially at the walkway.  Additionally, he will contact Rochester Schools Facilities department to inquire as to any cost sharing with the schools and tapping electrical service from the school.  He will report back to the board upon receipt of those quotes.  An additional light on Cross Creek between Lakeview and Sheldon could be installed and the cost was quoted by DTE as $2585.  While the light would be installed on the Right of Way easement, the Board felt it important to get “buy-in” from the homeowners where the light might be installed before proceeding.  

Flowers at the entrances: Rob presented a proposal from Sinacori Landscaping for the planting of perennial bushes and flowers at all entrances this year.  The proposal was for $4,295.  This would significantly reduce to on-going flower expenses.  Discussion ensued regarding any warranties and viability on the plants selected.  Board members agreed that if the appropriate warranties were in place and the plants recommended seemed viable on a long term basis, Rob should move forward with the planting proposal.


Cross Creek Speed Control: Scott met with the City Transportation Engineer and the Permit Technician in January to discuss options and gather information regarding speed control methods for both Cross Creek Blvd and Lakeview and presented his finding to the Board in February.    The best and most economical solution, according to the City, would be to stripe a white edge line along both sides of the street to promote slower speeds.  The effective narrowing of the roadway would hopefully promote more careful and slower driving.  This has been used effectively in Kings Cove sub (north of Teinken and west of Rochester Rd.) as well as in Hampton Sub on Bristol St. (west of John R and north of Auburn)  This stripe, while not “official”, would give the appearance of a bike lane or walking lane on the roadway as well.  The stripes would be located 9’ from the curb edge.  There would be no cost to the HOA for this, as the City would bear all expenses for painting the stripes.   The board approved moving forward with the City and this can be completed in the summer.  Scott will prepare a “go forward” letter for the City and get Rob’s signature prior to delivering the letter to them.    

Unfortunately, this striping can only be done on Cross Creek, as Lakeview is too narrow to provide adequate room for cars to pass.  We discussed installing a solar powered “YOUR SPEED” radar sign device for NB Lakeview near the walkway to the school.  Discussion ensued with no decision or resolution.    

Median Trees: Scott contacted Gerald Pink, Lead Arborist with the City.  He examined the trees and provided his opinion.  It was his opinion that the primary issue with the poor health of some of the trees was an issue called “girdling roots” which effectively choke the trees at the base.  His recommendation was that we contact a tree maintenance company to treat the trees and remove the girdling root.  As Rob is responsible for trees and landscaping in the sub, it will fall to him to make contact and get quotes from a tree maintenance company.


Website review:  Scott distributed flyers to all homeowners announcing the web site and that appears to have been met with some success.  To date, there have been over 300 hits to our website.  Scott asked that all Board members contact him as they become aware of new or changing homeowners in the sub, so that we can keep the directory current.  Also, Board members and homeowners are asked to make us aware of area events that they feel would be appropriate for posting on our site.  Also, he reminded everyone of the “Community Posts” section of the website for homeowners to post Lost and Found items, Items for sale, or services available (lawn cutting, snow shoveling, babysitting, etc.)  


Contactors list: As was announced at our annual meeting, a list of contractors for the Subdivision and vendors currently being used will be prepared and delivered at the next Board meeting. We are committed to creating and keeping a vendor list, so that all board members have access to the information as a resource when there are issues, concerns or repairs required within the Sub.


Other Discussion topics:  An announcement of coyotes in the Sub was posted to both the website was posted to both the website and our Facebook page.    


Scheduling 2019 Board Meetings:  The next meeting of the Board will be Monday, July 8, 2019. 


Outstanding items:


Street signs - John had provided information on more ornate street signs for the sub.  The information was given to Hossein and he has committed to bringing additional information and estimate to the board by the next meeting.  

CCHA February Board Meeting      February 19, 2019             7:00pm                Rochester Public Library


Board Members in Attendance: Rob Mazzola, John Ellwood, Scott Whitford, Clarence Brantley, Hossein Salimnia, Terry Jones.  Absent:  Marge Riley, Eric Swanson, Jim Clincher, Kyle Rajel, Ralph Crittenden. 


Scheduling 2019 Board Meetings:  Rob will prepare a schedule of future meetings for the balance of the year, but is challenged as to the best day of the week to permit all Board members to attend.  Members in attendance felt that perhaps Mondays would work as a better alternative and provide for better attendance.  The next meeting of the Board will be Monday, April 1, 2019. 


Discussion ensued regarding the lack of meeting minutes kept by the Board of the past number of years.  Scott committed to take notes and post meeting minutes on the subdivision website, upon Board approval of the minutes. 


2019 Beautification Items: Street signs - John had some information on replacement and more ornate street signs.  The information was given to Hossein and he has committed to bringing additional information and estimate to the board, hopefully by the next meeting.  


Median Trees -There was discussion about the condition of the pine trees in the median on Cross Creek.  While some appear to be in poor condition, Scott agreed to meet with the Forestry Division of Rochester Hills and get options to help make and keep the trees healthy.  The general feeling of the Board was trees that cannot be made healthy should be removed and replaced.   After meeting with the Forestry Division, he will bring his findings to the next Board meeting. 


Fence on Otter - There was discussion about the poor condition of the fence at the end of Otter Drive.  A proposal for discussion was put forth that the Association replace the fence, but allow a walkway to be built on the lot line between the end of the street and the bike path along Rochester Road.  A board member that lives in one of the affected homes was against the proposal and believed that the other neighbor affected had the same opinion.  He felt that a walkway would cause too much traffic around his home.    Discussion ended.  


Cross Creek Speed Control: Scott met with the City Transportation Engineer and the Permit Technician in January to discuss options and gather information regarding speed control methods for both Cross Creek Blvd and Lakeview.    Additional stop signs at intersections on Cross Creek are not a viable option, based on Michigan Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.  Speed Bumps/Humps also do not appear to be a viable option due to costs, traffic volume, and obtaining an agreement from the homeowners where the bumps/humps would appear. The study and review process would take more than a year and in the end may be a waste of time and resources.  The solar powered “YOUR SPEED” radar signs may be an option in certain areas.  A device for NB Lakeview near the walkway to the school may have value, as it could be placed on subdivision property. 

The best and most economical solution, according to the City, would be to stripe a white edge line along both sides of the street to promote slower speeds.  The effective narrowing of the roadway would hopefully promote more careful and slower driving.  This has apparently been used effectively in Kings Cove sub (north of Teinken and west of Rochester Rd.) as well as in Hampton Sub on Bristol St. (west of John R and north of Auburn)  This stripe, while not “official”, would give the appearance of a bike lane or walking lane on the roadway as well.  The stripes would be located 9‘ from the curb edge.  There would be no cost to the HOA for this, as the City would bear all expenses for painting the stripes.   If we act quickly, the striping could be done in the early spring this year.   Unfortunately, this striping can only be done on Cross Creek, as Lakeview is too narrow to provide adequate room for cars to pass. 


Lighting:  In discussions with the City, their feeling was that solar lighting options would be ineffective, as they are expensive and provide poor quality lighting.  They recommended contacting DTE for the Community Lighting program.  Scott has been in contact with DTE and awaiting a quote for lighting options.  Lighting locations currently under consideration are at the intersection of Vistaview/Cross Creek, Otter/Cross Creek, Lakeview/Cross Creek, and Lakeview at the walkway to the school.  Scott has agreed to make inquiries to the School to see if they would be willing to share the cost of a lighting unit at the walkway. A lighting unit may also be considered for Cross Creek between Lakeview and Sheldon, providing a homeowner is amenable to having a unit installed in front of their home. Scott has made inquiries to the Community Lighting Liaison at DTE and awaiting his proposal and quote.

Website review:  To date, there have been over 200 hits to our website.  Scott requested and received approval to distribute flyers to all homes to increase awareness of the site and promote greater usage of the site.  That will be done before the end of February 2019.


By-Law review and Deed Restrictions:   Clarence said that the Deed restrictions were amended a number of years ago to allow to an increase in the maximum amount of the annual assessment, although unfortunately no documentation to that change appears to exist.  The Board has determined that current operating processes are acceptable to the Homeowners and will continue. 


Budget review: Clarence submitted a proposed 2019 Budget based on 2018 expenditures.  After some discussion on significant expense increases in 2018 (specifically water and sprinkler repair), the Budget was approved as presented.  The approved budget will be posted on the website.


Other Discussion topics:  It was mentioned that coyotes have been seen in the Sub. It was recommended that an alert be posted on our website.  That will be done.  


Outstanding items: List of contractors for the Subdivision and vendors currently being used and their contract terms.  Rob indicated that the Board is committed to creating and keeping a vendor list, so that all board members have access to the information and a resource when there are issues, concerns or repairs required within the sub.   

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